Novacane (2011)

Hit the slopes

Novacane (2011)
Bob Ross Winter Mountain

Life is just like movin mountains
And when I can't cope
I'm hittin that slope
That great white hope

And ain't no pressure
I can't feel nothin
But I never felt better


In just a few short lines, Wayne manages to paint a perfect description of how the troubles of life can sometimes seem insurmountable. There's always an escape though, and in this case he presents two possible images with his signature wordplay. Some people will understand hitting the slope as going skiing on the mountain of life's hardships. Others will see it as hitting a few lines of that "great white hope." Personally, I imagine that scene where Tony Montana goes to town on the mountain of cocaine on his desk, except now Wayne is the real Scarface.

The last line, to me, is a perfect encapsulation of what the song is about, and its title. Novocain is probably the most common example of something that numbs your senses and makes you feel no pressure, but it doesn't actually have to be a drug, simply an escape of one form or another. Once that thing or substance lets you forget (or ignore) the magnitude of that mountain of life, there's nothing to do but feel better. Some scary shit if you stop to think about it. Wayne kills it with his delivery too