Hercules (2018)


Hercules (2018)
Search everywhere


Hercules, Hercules
They worship me, certainly

Purple lean, purple weed,
Perfect scene, perfect scene

Search the scene, search the things
Search for bling and cha-ching

Search for work, search for schemes
Search his kid, search his Queen

Search her purse, search her clean
Search his turf, search his team

Search his sleeve, check for wings
First I curse, then I squeeze

They say they lit, where the steam?
Let'em live, let'em breathe

Let'em live, let'em breathe??
Nigga please, nigga bleed!!


I have doubts about the fourth line. I think instead of the first "perfect scene" he might be saying the name of some prescription medication and adding it to the lean and weed. I'm no pharmacist though and I could be overthinking it, so instead I'll imagine that the first scene describes the one with the drugs, and the second describes the one with the bodies.

One thing I'm beginning to notice more and more is the need to go back to the beginning after hearing the end. In this case, Wayne begins an extended description of the scene in front of him, and reveals it to the listener bit by bit through the commands he gives his people. First, it sounds like the motivation is strictly financial, and they just want the money. Then you realize it's more personal than that, because now it involves not only someone's livelihood, but also his family. Once he says "search his team" you realize the scope of what's happened. You ask why. That's when they check for wings, most likely to confirm his affiliation with any kind of bird-persons.