5 Star (2017)

Red everywhere

5 Star (2017)
Is that mink??
5 Star


Shoot you down in the Walmart
Shoot you down in the parking lot
Shoot you down in the food court

Hit your crib in a steamboat
Then disappear on a speedboat

Act a Jackass like Steve-O
And disappear like Neo

Leave a red flag on your screen door
Leave a red flag round your queen throat
Leave a blood stain on your mink floor
Like a red stain on clean snow


Having a rough day? Someone calling you a fake fan? Just repeat the first three lines here over and over until you feel better. No guarantees it'll work, but I've been at it all day.

The rest of this section (and verse) is all about eliminating your enemies in grandiose and imaginative ways. The steamboat/speedboat couplet is almost like a lesson in how these things should be done. Go in loud and hard, come out fast and quiet. I guess speedboats aren't really quiet though. Oh well.

At first I thought the Jackass line was Wayne talking about himself, but then I realized it makes a lot more sense as a warning, as in "act a jackass, and you will disappear". It's also possible that he's not talking about Neo (from the Matrix) but Ne-Yo (the artist), and the latter would probably make more sense due to his "disappearance" from the limelight.

I feel like the red flag lines don't really need explaining to anyone who's heard more than 3 or 4 songs from Wayne, but I do like the ambiguity of the second one. The flag could represent marking her as his prize, or conquest, OR it's just blood. I think that last possibility ties best into the last couplet. There's nowhere else the bloodstain could have come from. Also, whatever he means by mink floor, it shouldn't be white like the clean snow. So I'm guessing the clean snow is her skin. Or he thinks of mink floors as white? It's up in the air I think.